Monday, November 14, 2011

Goodbye Fast Food, Hello Healthy Kids

So I was listening to the news today and heard that in the year 2030, 1 out of every 10 people will have type 2 diabetes.  That is the kind that is adult onset due to obesity and lack of exercise.  This number scares me. I wonder why do we as a country let our children eat they way most of them do.  By all means I am not saying all of them are unhealthy and I am certainly not accusing anyone of child abuse with a happy meal.  My point is that when there is a problem why don't we solve it?  Problems need solutions. Why it is that childhood obesity is such a hard one to solve.  It seems easy to me, eat healthy food and exercise.

I certainly wouldn't let my child do any activity that would put them in harms way.  They wear a seat belt in the car; they wear a helmet when they ride their bikes. I don’t let them play outside in a thunderstorm. I make sure they do or don't do these things to keep them safe and healthy, as most parents do.  That is the job of a parent. Yes, turning off the television (insert any other form of sit and stare activity here) makes your job a little harder. In these times in most neighborhoods you just can't kick the kids outside without a parent and say go play.  Kids need your attention and guidance. Parenting isn't for the weak, you have to be strong and do what right because it is right. Remember these are the little dependant babies that we worked so hard to keep them alive that first year. Just because they can feed themselves doesn't mean your job of food patrol is done.  Remember when we could only introduce one new food a week and we took their diet so seriously.  Why do parents stop this when the child can eat from the table? 

  I am not perfect, but I do try  to make sure that my kids eat semi healthy  everyday and do some sort of activity that requires movement. It is not always easy, especially on those nights where we are running from one activity to another. Some days, I am tired and we hit the fast food, not my finest mom moment.

I believe that if you truly want the best for your family you can change.  Change is hard, we all get into this routine of life and it is easier to do what we have always done. To make that change and have a healthier family I challenge anyone who reads this, to make one change for a month and see how it goes. I am taking fast food out of our diet for 1 month. Who knows maybe we will save a little cash money too.

Let it be noted that today is November 14, no fast food for 1 month. Sorry Mcdonalds my money stays in my pocket this month.


  1. We cut out fast food over a year ago and feel so much better. One day when I was pregnant with Samuel, I was craving Taco Bell (after a year of no fast food, mind you) and of course Joe was all for it. Let me just say that I'm SO glad I made it to the bathroom at the grocery store afterward. >.<

    Another tidbit: Joe came home from an out-of-town job, he was gone for 3 or 4 days, and as soon as he walked in the door, I smelled Hardee's on him. He admitted that he had gotten a burger the first day he left for work! That means I was smelling the garbage coming out of his pores. He hasn't had any fast food since then.

    You can do it and you'll never regret it!

  2. I can assure you, this carries into adulthood as well. My wife prefers potato chip sandwiches and cheesy popcorn over a proper meal. :)

    My work started a health challenge not too long ago, and it involved no fast food. I was intrigued, but unfortunately that coincided with McDonald's yearly Monopoly ploy and I was too weak to resist the fatty appeal of a snowball's chance in heck of a million bucks.

    I know we're all busy and the convenience of fast food certainly makes life easier. Fortunately, there are some healthier options available at fast food joints...if only we can resist the urge to skip the salad and go straight for Greasy McFried.

  3. Hey Dawn - are there any types of fast food you find acceptable, like Jimmy Johns or Subway?

  4. We are keeping the Sandwich shops like subway on our list. But the others are out.
